It was pizza for lunch today. I had Lean Cuisine Deep Dish 3 Meat Pizza and Jill had Nutrisystem's Thin Crust Cheese Pizza. I popped mine into the over and four minutes later removed a pizza that looked and smelled great. It didn't quite live up to the picture on the box which obviously was cheese enhanced. However, the flavor left nothing to be desired. If it had the same amount of cheese as in the picture, I would have actually given it a 10, but I'll still give it a 9.

Now let's talk about the Nutirsystem Pizza, and I use the term loosely. Some assembly is required. The thin crust is thin indeed. It's in the from of what looks to be a round wheat cracker on steroids. You add sauce and cheese from separate packages and microwave it for a little more than a minute. What comes out has almost no resemblance to the package. Now it might have been a wee bit over cooked which changed the color of the cheese, but even at it's best it wouldn't come close to the picture.

Jill said that 40 years ago her brother loved frozen pizza that tasted like cardboard with sauce on it. This tasted exactly like that. She gave it a 3 and said she was being generous. The other two pizzas are going back for exchange.
So if you are like Jill's brother, this might be for you, but then again 40 years ago that was the best they had.
I love the pizzas, but learned that they can't be cooked as hot or as long as NutriSystem says. If you spread the cheese around what they supply can give good coverage. I add onion, mushrooms, and black olive slices (the olives are my "fat" serving for the day). Yummy. Really.
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