Nutrisystem Arrives
Shortly after my shopping trip, Jill's Nutrisystem order arrived. One of the things the girls at curves warned Jill about was the fact that ALL of the plans make substitutions if they are out of stock on an item.
While there were not an inordinate number of substitutions in this order, there were two major disappointments. The two dessert/snack items that she was most looking forward to were both substituted.
It seems that Carmel Popcorn and Chocolate Covered Carmel Popcorn were both among the missing. I'm doing to have to give Nutrisystem a big D- on that count. If any food is critical to anyone's diet, it is the dessert. If anything, the Nutrisyste gnomes should make sure they are over stocked on this kind of item.
But enough of the disappointment. The order came with two weeks work of free food that they get to choose. It would be nice if we could choose, but I guess even more people would be disappointed in not getting their Carmel Popcorn if that was the case.
Since they don't indicate which items are substitutes and which are free, it's difficult to judge in how close they try to match items when they substitute.
When all the food was sorted, there were three groups. There was the ordered foods, the not ordered foods that Jill would give a try, and the not ordered foods that Jill would only try if you held a gun to her head, and then only after considerable thought. That's the group that got passed on to me.
As I said, I'll try just about anything that isn't moving. Of course there were foods that I have tried in the past, but don't like. As a result, the blue berry pancakes, oatmeal, and melba toast will go to Curves with Jill on her next trip, but I'm looking forward to trying the Nntriflakes Cereal, Chocolate Drink, Hot Cocoa, Mixed Berry Drink, Cherry Julilee Pudding, and Trail Mix Bar.
Check back regularly to read about our progress and our reviews of the food that will hopefully make us thinner, healthier, and happier.
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