If I was designing curriculum, I would use well tested, research based processes as a way of moving entire districts forward.  When a school or a district adopts a process, the power of the process is unleashed through the common vocabulary and a shared set of skills that are shared across disciplines and grade levels. 

For example, when schools adopt the Big6 problem solving method, every teacher, student, and parent speaks the same vocabulary.  It doesn't take a genius to see that students who use a proven method year after year, will develop stronger skills than having to learn a new method every time they get a new teacher. The WebQuest process is also one that provides students will high order skills that reflect the real world skills that must be imparted to make students successful in the 21st century.

Oh, while I'm at it, I might as well indulge in some shameless self-promotion. 

My book, Internet Power Research Using the Big6 Approach , is now available from Enslow Publishers.  

If you are interested in Big6, 3DWriting, WebQuest or other workshops that come complete with a free site license for 3DWriter, contact