3DWriter Keeps it Simple!
3DWriter was created in 1999 as a way of promoting hypertext writing in schools. Shortly thereafter, I turned it into freeware.
I have since retired and now use this site as an archive of a past and a gateway to my current and future adventures.
Raymond Community Television
In January of 2015, I began volunteer work for RCTV and have an opportunity to play with "big boy toys". Every day and every frame is a new learning experience.
Best of Barnegat 2021
After being retired for eight years, I received an email that 3DWriting was awarded the prestegious Best of Barnegat Award. All I had to do was pay for the physical award. Since adding this award picture is the only thing that has been done here in 5 years, that's not saying much about Barnegat, or for that matter, 3DWriting. I decided not to fall for the scam, but will proudly display the award here.
Below are links to a few of my past and current blogs.
Truth, Lies, Rumors and Rumbles
Personal Blog
My Sherwood Glen
Retired Life in NH
Sherwood Beavers
Pond Life at Sherwood Glen
Cyber Safety Through Information Literacy
In 1999, I worked with WiredSafety.org to create unique learning opportunities that focus on developing critical thinking and promoting "Cyber Safety through Information Literacy".
3DWiredSafety (Archive)
Internet Safety Blog
Diet Food Reviews (Archive)
Reviews Commercial Diet Food |